How to grant a temporary parking permit to your guest
1. Navigate to the address and click Sign in.
2. Log in to the service using the e-mail address you have provided to Aimo.
3. Make sure that the correct organisation has been selected in the page navigation drop-down menu.
4. Select Permits in the page navigation.
5. Click the Create permit button in the top right corner.
6. Select the right product, enter the registration number and select the validity period of the permit. Finish by clicking Create permit.
7. The parking permit is now active.
How to edit a temporary parking permit you granted to your guest
1. Navigate to the address and click Sign in.
2. Log in to the service using the e-mail address.
3. Make sure that the correct organisation has been selected in the page navigation drop-down menu.
4. Select Permits in the page navigation.
5. Click the Pen symbol to the right of the permit.
Edit the desired information. Please note that it may not be possible to edit all of the information. Save the changes by clicking the Update permit button.
7. The permit has now been updated.